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Kidz Club

Join our club and make new friends from around the world!

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Learn cool yo-yo tricks and become a part of a team of yo-yo players from all over the world. Yo-Yoing is a new sport that you can carry in your pocket or backpack and take it anywhere. Not to mention, it is impressive to show your friends something they may have never seen before. As you progress in your skill, you can earn special achievement badges that indicate your level. Your goal is to complete all levels and obtain the final Master level badge.
As your skills grow, so will the opportunities to become a yo-yo star. Join other players and compete at local, national, and world contests. Practicing and perfecting your skill at any sport opens the door for many opportunities. With our Kidz Club badge program, you will be off to the start of becoming a top-level yo-yo player.  At Duncan, we are always looking for high-level players and may send you a special invitation to try out for our Duncan Team! We evaluate our Duncan Team members each year for potential sponsorship at the National and World Yo-Yo competition.  

You can also become qualified to be a Duncan Kidz Club instructor or Duncan Brand Ambassador. Once qualified for this status, you can earn rewards for leading your local yo-yo club and being a positive influencer on social media. 

Yo-Yo Skill Achievement Badges


Not just a yo-yo show, our programs have empowered youth with key emotional building blocks and life skills through the sport of yo-yoing since 1928. Our fun educational program options are created for K-8 graders and can be implemented either in the classroom or in an assembly setting.


  • Assemblies

  • In-Classroom Experiences 

  • Streaming Video Presentations 

  • Yo-yo Champ Guest Speaker Zoom Sessions 

  • Professional Development Webinars

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Get free tutorials on tricks below and upload your submissions to receive credit and your level patches. Create a video for each trick, upload them to YouTube or Vimeo, and fill out the form below! Got any questions? Please email us at

Yo-Yo Trick Lessons

Gravity Pull
Pin Wheel
Eiffel Tower
Leg Wrap Trap
Pop 'N Fresh

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.

Inspiring youth for more than 90 years, Duncan brings a world of possibility and potential to all ages! Our Imagine show empowers youth with crucial life skills like confidence, goal setting, creativity, and positive thinking through a fun assembly or in-classroom streaming presentation.

Presented by National and World level yo-yo champions, your students will be entertained and inspired by their personal stories and talents. With performances in over 15 countries, our champion presenters have been featured on numerous TV news programs and in major newspapers and magazines. 

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© 2020 by Duncan Kidz

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